I have no journalistic experience to fall back on in determining how busy a working life befalls an editor of a national newspaper. I suspect The Racing Post, though smaller in size to most of daily national newspapers in this country, does not carry a large workforce and Tom Lee, the present incumbent of the position, may undertake tasks editors at the Mail, Telegraph, Times etc would have underlings do on their behalf. So, I do not underestimate Tom Lee’s workload. But does that excuse him ignoring e-mail correspondence from his readers? Even his predecessor, Bruce Millington, once had an underling respond to an e-mail I sent asking how he might go about nominating Alastair Down for a knighthood.
As anyone who occasionally finds their way onto this site well knows, I am as mad as hell at the way government restrictions are pushing this sport to the abyss. We are not alone in this, all sports in this country are in the same leaky boat. But horse racing is my sport; it is the central pivot of my life and I resent deeply its use by government for propaganda purposes and its need to fill empty corners of the exchequers coffers through betting duty. 17 racecourses did not survive the 2nd World War: Gatwick, Oswestry, Torquay, Quorn Hunt, Shirley Park, Derby, Bungay, Colwall Park, Bridgnorth, Wenlock, Hethersett, Glamorgan Hunt, Pershore, Cardiff, Tarporley, Hawthorn Hill, Melton Hunt and in 1948, Newport. It is true that the sport today could not support as high a number of racecourses this country could once boast, and if this present crisis, Boris’s war, is not met with similar government hand-outs that the arts have received, the sport will not be able to support a dozen or more of our present racecourses. Whether we can afford to lose a single racecourse without losing vital regional and rural adherents I rather doubt. My rather anguished e-mails to Tom Lee were grounded in my fears for both the future of horse racing in light of having no spectators bringing revenue to racecourses due to unnecessary and brutal government restrictions and the future of The Racing Post, the racing industry newspaper. I suggested the time was ripe for the Post to stop merely reporting on government restrictions and to head a campaign to defend our sport, to send a message to government that the sport’s acquiescence does not come with a lifetime guarantee. I sent Tom Lee a link (https://youtu.be/8UvFhIFzaac ) to an unbiased health expert who provided graphs and charts from official sources clearly demonstrating that the virus was a dead parrot and that far from being a novel virus Covid-19 had behaved in the exact same manner as all virus and flu outbreaks that had preceded it right back to the infamous 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. No criticism of government, no conspiracy theory, no personal opinion; just pure science. In case the Post had a policy of not downloading links sent in e-mails, I also gave the description of the blog. I suggested he watched the video, verified its content, even perhaps interview Ivor Cummins (he’s Irish, living in Ireland) to seek out his opinion as to whether having spectators at British and Irish racecourses presented much of a health risk. I also suggested he ask one of his columnists to check out the video and write a measured response to the science and ask readers if they considered the restrictions imposed on racegoers was appropriate given they flew in the face of the scientific data. Thus far, I have gone unanswered and the Post’s tone has not changed one iota. I expressed the view to Tom Lee that ‘no or few spectators’ would extend to Christmas. I was wrong, of course. They will extend to Easter. I suspect that unless the Johnson Gang are removed from office in the foreseeable future there will be no spectators at the 2021 Derby, especially if their completely unnecessary elixir of life continues to make ill the trialists putting their life on the line in the name of corrupt science. The trials are presently suspended in the U.S. as two female volunteers have developed inflammation of the spinal cord. I want to write about horse racing. I do not want to be railroaded by fear and distrust of my government into writing about the C-word. We are being held at needlepoint by a scandalous preoccupation with testing. Testing is the problem, not the solution. If we had tested people last winter or any preceding winter, they would have found large numbers of positive cases because coronavirus is likely to be found in between 50 and 80% of the population. If you have a cold you will test positive for coronavirus. Are you a danger to the public, do your symptoms demand you self-isolate (like the fit and well Shane Cross) for ten to fourteen-days? All of this nonsense to prevent the fit and healthy getting the sniffles! If The Racing Post will not put its head above the parapet in support and defence of our sport, who will?
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