It seems, at last, racing folk in Ireland are waking from their collective dream of winning praise and brownie points from their government for their sustained attempt at being ‘best boys in class’ throughout the ‘pandemic’. Unfortunately, they were sound asleep when their elected government were subject to a coup d’etat – how violent an overthrow we might never know – by the Institute of Public Health Ireland, more commonly known as Nphet. To all extent and purpose the country formerly known as Eire has become the unelected, undemocratic Republic of Nphet. Appealing the unfairness of disproportionate small crowd numbers to sane and honourable men will come to nothing if those in absolute power are corrupt and in league with what is in effect a foreign power.
Ruby Walsh, a man known for his straight-talking common sense and used to getting things done, is the latest racing personality to raise his head above the parapet to demand unlimited crowds be allowed back onto racecourses. The covid rules in Ireland ‘make no sense’, he is quoted as saying in the Racing Post, aligning himself with Dermot Weld, Jessica Harrington, Noel Meade, Henry de Bromhead and uncle Tom Cobbly and all. Covid has made no sense from day 1, whenever the tapes went up on this health emergency crisis race to Hell, and hopefully back again. If your agenda is to confuse, annoy, instil stress and keep-up fear levels, then allowing 40,000 people into an enclosed space like Croke Park, whilst only allowing 500 people into an outdoor space, is perfectly rational. Senator Rand Paul, the man who is attempting to indict Anthony Fauci for telling big porkies to Congress, and who advocates the wearing of N96 masks, the sort worn in hospitals, is derisory about the sort of masks you can buy over the counter. As any scientist will tell you, the aerosols that carry virus are no larger than 1-micron, whilst the holes in the masks worn at the Olympic Games are between 50-80 microns. You could wear 5 of these masks and have almost no protection from a virus travelling in any direction. Rand Paul is a doctor; he is qualified to say such things. So, when masks that are practically useless are made an essential aspect of covid protocols for racecourses and other sporting events, the disparity between 40,000 people allowed inside Croke Park and 500 allowed on to a racecourse is not so confusing, if you look at it from Nphet’s perspective. Ruby Walsh smashes the ball into the top corner of the net when he says. ‘Don’t tell me the 40,000 people who will be in attendance at Croke Park later this month will form an orderly queue on O’Connell Bridge and stay two-metres apart until they get in.’ Look at the nonsense going on at the Olympics with masks, social distance and empty stadia. It’s all theatre; reinforcing the agenda that the pandemic remains all around us. If there is a pandemic, show me the bodies. Go to the official data and show me the excess mortality. Irish racing has behaved like the ‘best boys in class’ since last summer. Nphet are treating Irish racing with contempt and it will continually do so until horse racing’s leaders and luminaries display some backbone and bite back. Where is the warrior spirit of the Irish clans? Since when did Irishmen roll over and play dead? All over Europe people are rebelling, marching on their parliaments; the French trade unions are proposing a national strike. If Nphet are using the worn-out phrase ‘We are following the science’ as piddled out by Johnson and his Gang of Gates stooges, then Irish Racing should consult with independent scientists and follow the scientific data as provided by the large gatherings that have taken place in Britain. Or as a society, follow the science of Florida and Texas, American States that rescinded all their covid restrictions to dire warning from the President and Fauci and which have thrived ever since. I am aware that Irish Racing is part-funded by its government. But it is not funded by Nphet. Irish Racing should demand a change to the covid protocols by a date convenient to themselves and if this is not met a race meeting with unlimited crowd numbers should take place to demonstrate the complete lack of threat to public health. As is proved both in Britain and all around the world, those driving this covid agenda have not a single care for people or businesses that die through the disproportionate restrictions put into place to succumb a virus that has killed 0.03% of the world’s population. Nphet will shed no tears if Irish Horse Racing and breeding industry joins the death count. This is a moment in time, if Irish Racing has the backbone to lead the charge, for a sport to unite a nation and win itself a greater reputation than it has now or in the past. I have absolutely no doubt that the majority of Ireland is sick to death with Nphet and the tame politicians subservient to it. Rise up, hold a race-meeting with unlimited crowds. Drive the occupier of your country into the sea as true Irish warriors would have done in the past and you will be remembered in history with song, poem and the admiration of a proud nation.
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