The need to refer to the current plandemic (not a typographical error) irritates me. The purpose of this site is to express my love and concerns about horse racing, the abiding passion in my life. Yet the Bill Gates sponsored Covid-19 crisis has hijacked life as we know it, including, unforgivably, all sport. Without belabouring the point, I have to say some of the restrictions imposed upon us during this unnecessary State of Emergency are contrary to law, our human rights and is based on bad science. It is on the final point that I base this article.
All the information expressed here on in is based on an article by Professor Russell Blaylock, M.D. ‘By wearing a face-mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain’. I am not suggesting any jockey riding at Newcastle (hopefully) one-week today will have the Covid-19 virus in their system, it must be said though that the wearing of a face-mask, especially when under the duress of extreme physical activity, could be detrimental to health. I am sure all jockeys will be tested prior to racing, though as the coronavirus is in the common cold and most flu-viruses, and it is known that flakes of the virus can remain in the body of anyone who has suffered a cold or ‘the flu’, anyone can test positive, even after a sequence of negative results. No scientific study has established a conclusive relationship between the wearing of a face-mask/respirator and protection against influenza infection. Also, no scientific study has been conducted to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Until recently neither the Centre for Disease Control in the U.S. or the World Health Organisation recommended the wearing of face-masks. Indeed, there have been several studies that have concluded there are significant problems with wearing a mask, especially for long periods. In one study, researchers surveyed 212 healthcare workers, asking about headaches with N95 mask use, discovering a third developed headaches with the use of masks. Though the straps of the masks or the pressure on the face could be causative, the bulk of the evidence pointed towards hypoxia or hypercapnia, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation of blood CO2 (hypercapnia). It is known if worn for hours on end the N95 mask can reduce blood oxygenation by 20%. In a study involving the wearing of a cloth-mask, which is more relevant to jockeys, I admit, 159 healthcare workers aged between 21 – 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a mask. If you have an elderly relative suffering from COPD, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis, you might want to warn them that the wearing of a mask can cause a severe lessening of lung function. In a study carried out on 53 surgeons using an oximeter, it was found that the mask reduced blood oxygen levels significantly: in fact, the longer the duration of wearing the mask the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels. The importance in the drop in blood oxygen levels is that hypoxia is associated with an impairment in immunity, the best resource we have in defeating viruses (forget about vaccines – they are yet to come-up with a vaccine for the common-cold, I remind you, and it typically takes between 10 & 15 years to find a vaccine for any strain of the influenza virus). Hypoxia can inhibit the type of main immune cells used to fight viral infections called the CD4+T-lymphocyte. This allows the contracting of any infection easy passage; this of course includes the Covid-19 virus. To headline all the above – WEARING A MASK MAY WELL PUT YOU AT AN INCREASED RISK OF INFECTIONS. Which might be followed by something much worse. Another danger of wearing a mask on a daily basis is when a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath and will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. If you think the science against wearing face-masks cannot be more conclusive – newer evidence suggests that in some cases the virus can enter the brain by way of the olfactory nerves which connect directly with the area dealing with recent memory and memory consolidation. In their keenness to get back to work, jockeys, I am sure, will care little for the information contained in this article. Jockeys are dedicated to their craft and renowned for their work ethic. And if the B.H.A. insist the wearing of masks is set in stone as a requirement by Government for the restart of racing in this country, then the deal is all done and dusted. But jockeys must remember that the Government may say that they are led by ‘the science’ but in reality the science being used as part of the official narrative is the science of convenience. Scientists around the world, virologists of world-status included, are furious that good, sound science is being ignored and that this needless ‘health crisis’ is blackening the name of any doctor or scientist who dares to contradict ‘the agenda’. It is not for me to tell any individual jockey that they should refuse to wear a mask. It is your livelihood, not mine, that is on the line. I would though hope you might research the subject with an open-mind and then decide if compromising your immune system is worth conforming to advice harvested from bad science. If you are hard-wired to the official narrative my conclusion to this article may sound melodramatic or plain crazy but the evidence suggests we live at a time more dangerous for the liberty of Mankind than at any time-period in the history of democracy. The wearing of face-masks by jockeys is very small beer by comparison to what may be around the corner for all of us. Stay safe. blaylock_face_masks_pose_serious_risks_to_the_healthy
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